Circus Ponies Notebook 4
I am using CPN 4.0.7 on Mojave 10.14.2. It works, but in limited fashion. It opens all the usual ways. Working inside a Notebook on a page directly, I can do all the normal things. Clicking on the application menubar causes it to quit, except for select menu items under File. I did not succeed to port or export. Rated notebooks under 500 circus ponies notebook regcure pro license key free Avast 4. 8 Pro Lifetime Serial Keygen 2009-Author-Category: Software.
Developing import from a cancelled app turned out to be a tricky thing. However, the users trying out the import turned out to be so responsive, smart, and patient, that we couldn’t help going on working on the thing. Check out the update!
UPD: check out the latest of CircusPonies-to-Outline import.
- Circus Ponies is supposed to be v4.0.1 or newer.
- Outline for Mac is supposed to b the latest.
Step 1. Open Circus Ponies and proceed to the notebook you want to get imported into Outline.
Step 2. Export the thing as a website to Disk.
Step 3. Now it’s time for magic! Enters Terminal.
Step 4. Access a Secret Folder by submitting the following command in Terminal:
open ~/Library/Group Containers/
Please mind the space between
- “open” and ~;
- “Group” and “Containers”.
Step 5. Find the Processed folder and CircusPonies subfolder in there.
Note: in older versions of import there might have been other folders involved, like Import or even CircusPonnies (that ‘nn’ has become a legendary misspelling among Outline developers; one day we’ll tell the story). Make sure to use Processed and CircusPonies.
Step 6. Copy the folder with the exported Circus Ponies notebook files to the CircusPonies folder.
Step 7. Make final preparations:
- Check that your opened Outline notebooks have names different to the folder you copied to the CircusPonies secret folder (e.g. no other sample_import notebook in Outline in my case);
- Stop Outline.
There might be a temptation just to close the app window and not quit Outline. But that’s a false path. The true path is shutting down the app (Quit).
Step 8. Now run the import command in Terminal:
open -a /Applications/ --args -ImportCPN ~/Library/Group Containers/
Circus Ponies Notebook 4th Grade
(Giving the “Group Containers” in bold here; to tell how important the space in “Group Containers” is. It must be there)
Bingo! Outline gets opened and there are newly imported notebooks.
One might notice that at first the notebooks seem to be empty (grey-covered).
Don’t’ panic! (c) ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’
It takes some time for the notes to arrive, but finally they will be there (color-covered).
That’s it!
What If..?
Q: What if I might want to import several / all notebooks (while the instruction above seem to be about a single one-by-one notebook import)?
A: Every time you run the import command in Terminal, all notebooks located in the CircusPonies get imported into Outline. So, you can at first export as a website all notebooks you want, place them into the CircusPonies folder, and then import them all at once.
Q: What if I get a message “open ~/Library/GroupContainers/” does not exist.
A: It means there is a space missing between “Group” and “Containers”. The thing must be there. Also, check if there is a space between “open” and ~.
Q: What if Outline opens after Step 8 but nothing happens?
A: Double-check that Step 7 was completed successfully. Outline opening and no import magic happening sound a lot like the situation when Outline is hiding around the corner, up and running.
Also, check that the space is there in “Group Containers” in front of Containers.
If you are sure that Outline was quit and all the spaces are where supposed but still nothing happens after Step 8, please don’t like how the import looks and feels and use the answer to the question right above (contact us at for investigation).
Q: What if I don’t own Outline for Mac?
Circus Ponies Notebook 4 Cover
A: You can give the import a try before purchasing Outline. Just download the trial version from our website. The trial is 14 days. Just in case there is also the coupon code CIRCUSPONIES resulting in an exclusive 31% discount for orders in the Outline Store.