Delorme Serial Emulator

Updated 6/19/2007
Article ID: 319

  1. Delorme Serial Emulator Download
  2. Delorme Serial Emulator 64 Bit

DeLorme Serial Emulation Driver for Earthmate® GPS Receivers

This update installs the DeLorme Serial Emulation Driver so that the USB Earthmate GPS, Earthmate GPS LT-20, Earthmate GPS PN-20, and Earthmate GPS BT-20 can be recognized in NMEA 0183 compliant mapping applications.


Note: This driver is not for use with the 64bit version of Windows. This driver is also not supported when coming out of sleep or hibernation mode.

DeLorme Serial Emulator Download It sounds like you are having trouble installing the correct delorme serial emulation on your machine, which is the first step in getting out of trouble. The kernel-mode utility can be used to create and connect any number of virtual serial port pairs to establish serial communication between applications.

To Download and Install the UpdateDownload

Trusted Windows (PC) download DeLorme Earthmate GPS PN-20 Update Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get DeLorme Earthmate GPS PN-20 Update alternative downloads. Delorme Serial Emulator, free delorme serial emulator software downloads, Page 2.

Before installing this update, plug the Earthmate GPS into an available USB Port to allow Windows to recognize the GPS as an HID device.

  1. Click Download Now at the bottom of this list.
  2. Save the file to the desktop.
  3. Locate DeLorme Serial Emulator1.1.exe and double-click it.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the 'I accept the terms of this license agreement' option.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Restart the computer when prompted.
    Note: The installation will resume once the computer has restarted.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Right-click on the DeLorme Serial Emulator system tray icon and select Ports... from the pop-up menu.
  11. Select NMEA next to the COM Port you wish to use and close the utility.
  12. Open the mapping application.
  13. In the GPS Settings, select NMEA as the device and the COM port you selected in step 11 as the COM port the device is connected to.
  14. Start the GPS.

Download Now (14 MB)

About the DeLorme Serial Emulator

The DeLorme Serial Emulator is a system tray utility that provides access to the settings and status of an Earthmate reciever. You can also use the Configure Virtual COM Ports utility to assign up to three different COM Ports for the Earthmate GPS reciever. The Earthmate GPS reciever can be configured to work with up to three different applications at the same time.

Delorme Serial Emulator Download

The utility contains the following items:

Delorme Serial Emulator 64 Bit

  • About - Shows the version of the utility.
  • Monitor... - Opens the Monitor GPS Status window.
  • Ports... - Allows you to configure the Virtual COM Ports.
  • Auto-Start - Automatically starts the GPS when it is plugged in.
  • Start - Starts the GPS.
  • Stop - Stops the GPS.
  • Exit - Exits the utility.