Imtransferagent Little Snitch
Aug 21, 2016 Just install Little Snitch and got an alert when I'm receiving or sending message with Messages app. When I send a message IMTransferAgent connects to 443 port, when receiving to 80, but why google storage (attachment)?
Deleting the .plist linked to the app may help.
- An incomplete Little Snitch uninstall can result in program lock-ups, slow PC performance, system freezes, shut down and startup problems, and installation errors. Fixing the Problem To quickly and effectively remove all remnants of Little Snitch from the Windows registry and optimize your computer performance, it is highly recommended that you.
- The rest of us (Mac users) are using little snitch: is there a Windows app any one knows of that does the same thing as well as this? It is called Avast 4.8 it is free and it does the same as little snitch. U can download it and it doesn't take up much room, or trend micro and that is free tobut it is better but takes more room.
These are in your User Folder (the Little House icon) and then Library. ) often written as ~/Library
However this Library is normally invisible.
Open a Finder's Window and use the GO Menu.
At the same time hold the ALT key down.
Select the Library that appears in the Menu list and then Navigate to Preferences.
Delete all the items that Start and end in .plist
Also delete
Follow that by also deleting
In the Home Folder/Library there is also the Messages folder.
Deleting the three Data bases will remove all records of the iMessages you have had.
It also removes the Summaries of any Saved Chat you may have made in the past.
Those are stored in ~/Library/Containers/
IN this Messages folder there is also an Alias to the Attachments in the ~/Library/Messages/Attachments (where the database items are)
There are more .plist in ~/Library/Containers/
Start with and works down the few with messagehelper in the name that are actual files and not Aliases.
Doing all of this is likely to cause Messages to be reset as far as Preferences, some Menu choices that can be made and other peripheral settings, along with the History to the Messages you may have had.
It is unlikely to sort out the issue with the File/Picture Transfers
8:48 pm Wednesday; February 14, 2018
G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
Mac OS X (10.6.8),
iPhone 6 iOS 11.x and an iPad (2)
Feb 14, 2018 12:48 PM
This is due to a limitation in Apple’s Network Extension API, which surprisingly whitelists a number of system services like Maps, FaceTime, App Store or Software Update and therefore doesn’t report the network activity of these services to third-party application firewalls.
The use of this new API is now mandatory for third-party developers on macOS Big Sur, because Apple no longer supports the previous kernel extension based approach, which didn’t suffer from this limitation.
We’ve been investigating a solution in Little Snitch to make these whitelisted connections visible by means of alternative techniques. This solution is already available in our latest nightly build of Little Snitch 5.1.
There’s an ongoing discussion about this problem in various online media, and we assume that Apple will address these concerns in a future macOS update. See our blog article to learn more about this topic.
UPDATE: This issue has been resolved in macOS Big Sur 11.2. Apple has removed this whitelist completely, allowing third-party firewalls like Little Snitch to reliably monitor and filter any network traffic.
Up until macOS 11.1 the whitelist inlcudes the following macOS processes:
Obdev Little Snitch