Mri Convert Analyze To Nifti

All of these can then be transformed to FSL NIfTI, SPM Analyze, MetaImage and BrainVoyager volume formats. MRI Convert proves to be a pretty efficient piece of software, through a simple-to. Clinical imaging data are typically stored and transferred in the DICOM format, whereas the NIfTI format has been widely adopted by scientists in the neuroimaging community. Therefore, a vital initial step in processing the data is to convert images from the complicated DICOM format to the much simpler NIfTI format.

Mri_convert Dicom To Nifti

Ferraris, S; Shakir, DI; Van Der Merwe, J; Gsell, W; Deprest, J; Vercauteren, T; (2017) Bruker2nifti: Magnetic Resonance Images converter from Bruker ParaVision to Nifti format.Journal Of Open Source Software, 2 (16) p. 354. 10.21105/joss.00354.


Nrrd To Nifti

In clinical and pre-clinical research involving medical images, the first step following a Magnetic Resonance Imaging dataset acquisition, usually entails the conversion of image data from the native scanner format to a format suitable for the intended analysis.

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In clinical and pre-clinical research involving medical images, the first step following a Magnetic Resonance Imaging dataset acquisition, usually entails the conversion of image data from the native scanner format to a format suitable for the intended analysis. The proprietary [Bruker ParaVision]( software currently does not provide the tools for conversion of the data to suitable and open formats for research, such as nifti [@cox2004sort], for which most of the available tools for medical image analysis are implemented. For this purpose we have designed and developed [bruker2nifti](, a pip-installable Python tool provided with a Graphical User Interface to convert from the native MRI Bruker format to the nifti format, without any intermediate step through the DICOM standard formats [@Mildenberger2002]. Bruker2nifti is intended to be a tool to access the data structure and to parse all parameter files of the Bruker ParaVision format into python dictionaries, to select the relevant information to fill the Nifti header and data volume. Lastly it is meant to be a starting point where to integrate possible future variations in Bruker hardware and ParaVision software future releases.

Type: Article
Title:Bruker2nifti: Magnetic Resonance Images converter from Bruker ParaVision to Nifti format
Open access status:An open access version is available from UCL Discovery
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Additional information:Authors of JOSS papers retain copyright and release the work under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY) (
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