Principles Of Management Notes In Hindi Pdf
- Principles Of Management Notes In Hindi Pdf Download
- Principles Of Management Notes In Hindi Pdf Free
- Principles Of Management Notes In Hindi Pdf
IES NOTES PDF2021-2022 IES Notes 2021 PDF – Many candidates who are preparing for IES / PSUs and other National & State level examination have requested us to provide study material for preparation. So here we are posting some study material of various subjects in the hope this study material will help IES / PSUs aspirants. An important goal in grazing management is to minimize the negative effects grazing has on herbage production and species composition. This is achieved by implementing five principles. These principles are: (1) match the stocking rate to the carrying capacity; (2) use a rotational rest.
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The following topics are covered in these notes & eBook of Principles of management (POM):
- UNIT I OVERVIEW OF MANAGEMENT - Organization, Management, Role of managers, Evolution of Management thought, Organization and the environmental factors, Managing globally, Strategies for International Business.
- UNIT II PLANNING - Nature and Purpose planning, Planning process, Types of plans, Objectives, Managing by objective (MBO) Strategies, Types of strategies, Policies, Decision Making, Types of decision, Decision Making Process - Rational Decision Making Process, Decision Making under different conditions.
- UNIT III ORGANIZING - Nature and purpose of organizing, Organization structure, Formal and informal groups / organization, Line and Staff authority, Departmentalization, Span of Control, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation of authority, Staffing, Selection and Recruitment, Orientation Career Development, Career stages, Training, Performance Appraisal.
- UNIT IV DIRECTING - Creativity and Innovation, Motivation and Satisfaction, Motivation Theories Leadership, Leadership theories, Communication, Hurdles to effective communication, Organization Culture, Elements and types of culture, Managing cultural diversity.
- UNIT V CONTROLLING - Process of controlling, Types of control, Budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques, Managing Productivity, Cost Control, Purchase Control, Maintenance Control, Quality Control, Planning operations.
Principles Of Management Notes In Hindi Pdf Download
This PDF notes book/eBook for Principles of Management for Engineering students can be easily downloaded below.Here are some help tools for tackling Sociology in the UPSC exams, ranging from the syllabus to reading list and other tips. These resources on Sociology also includes IAS Question Papers of Sociology. We wish you to adopt the best strategy and become successful. We try our best to provide as many resources for your prepration as possible, but if you can add to this list please feel free to send us links or matter.
With the help of Ms. Ragini Sinha we are developing some notes for you to do your initial studies from. But do remember that this is not enough and you will need further in depth studies of the subject matter from various sources to able to form fluid answers. We hope you like these notes. We wish all management students all the best.