Sas Studio

We had a great time at briddlington beach. SAS Studio is a developmental web application for SAS that you access through your web browser. Many people program in SAS by using an application on their PC desktop or SAS server. SAS Studio is different because it is a tool that you can use to write and run SAS code through your web browser.

The first time you run SAS/IML Studio, a personal files directory called My IML Studio Files is created. By default, the personal files directory corresponds to the Windows directory shown in Table 34.1.

Table 34.1 The Personal Files Directory

Windows XP

C:Documents andSettingsuseridMy DocumentsMy IML Studio Files

Windows Vista

C:UsersuseridDocumentsMy IML Studio Files

Windows 7

C:UsersuseridDocumentsMy IML Studio Files

It is recommended that you store the files you create with SAS/IML Studio in subdirectories of the personal files directory. This provides the following advantages:

  • Each person who logs on to the computer has a unique personal files directory.

  • The personal files directory keeps your files separate from files that are distributed with SAS/IML Studio.

  • If all your SAS/IML Studio files are in subdirectories of the personal files directory, it is easier for you to back up your files.

  • When you open a file by selecting FileOpenFile from the main menu, the dialog box contains a button that lets you navigate directly to the personal files directory.

In the personal files directory, SAS/IML Studio creates the following subdirectories:


directory for user-written Java classes

Data Sets

directory for SAS data sets


directory for IMLPlus matrices stored on the client computer


directory for IMLPlus modules


directory for IMLPlus programs

This course provides a hands-on tour of the forecasting functionality in Model Studio, a component of SAS Viya. The course begins by showing how to load the data into memory and visualize the time series data to be modeled. Attribute variables are introduced and implemented in the visualization. The course then covers the essentials of using pipelines for generating forecasts and selecting champion pipelines in a project. It also teaches you how to incorporate large-scale forecasting practices into the forecasting project. These include the creation of data hierarchies, forecast reconciliation, overrides, and best practices associated with forecast model selection.

This course can help prepare you for the following certification exam(s): SAS Forecasting and Optimization Using SAS Viya 3.5.

Learn how to
  • Automatically create and fit custom forecast models using structured analytic workflows or pipelines.
  • Visualize modeling data using attribute variables.
  • Refine forecast models to improve forecast accuracy.
  • Apply overrides-generated forecasts.
  • Generate forecast data sets for deployment.
  • Build and share custom pipelines for large-scale forecasting analyses.

Who should attend

Forecasters and analysts in any industry, including retail, financial services, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticalsSas Studio

Formats available

Standard Duration

Classroom:1.5 days
Live Web Classroom:3 half-day session(s)System Requirements
e-Learning:14 hours/180 day licenseSystem Requirements

Before attending this course, you should have an understanding of basic statistical concepts. You can gain this experience by completing the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course. Programming experience is not required.


This course addresses SAS Visual Forecasting software.

Introduction and Data Visualization
  • SAS Drive overview.
  • Creating a forecasting project and loading the data.
  • Visualizing the modeling data using attribute variables.
Pipeline Essentials

Sas Studio Aws

  • Definition and creation of a time series.
  • Fundamental concepts in time series modeling.
  • Classes of time series models
  • Model comparison using honest assessment.
  • Pipeline templates and pipeline comparison.
Sas studio on demandHierarchical Forecasting
Post-forecasting Functionality
  • Overrides and exporting generated tables.

Http Localhost 10080 Sas Studio Studio

Inline Code Access and Overview (Appendix)
  • Code overview.

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