Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart

Order your Bullworker directly here: get 5% discount with the coupon: ce05-Bullworker Original Classic. Jan 15, 2019 - Explore Cavan Kendall's board 'Bullworker' on Pinterest. See more ideas about workout chart, isometric exercises, exercise. Bullworker X5 Workout Chart. The two handles and position the Bullworker at chest height. Take a deep breath and push inwards with both hands, while counting slowly out loud from 1 to 10. This exercise accentuates the muscles which sheathe your front and side stomach. Sit on the floor with one handle of the Bullworker nestled between your ankles.

For my money, Bullworker is the pick of the litter in isometric exercise equipment. The Bullworker apparatus (a tube with a spring inside and chains attached to the outside) was always well made.

Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart

The latest edition, which can be found here, is the best made Bullworker, yet.

  1. The Bullworker® Secret 7. 7 Routines 7 Seconds per day: The Bullworker Secret 7 workout that tones 60% of your muscle group areas. Warm up and perform each of the following exercises once, then warm down. Follow the instruction for each of the ex ercise routines shown. 1 ABDOMINALS Definition A. With each hand grasp the ropes near the top.
  2. Bruce Lee used Bullworker exercises to increase his punching power and speed. Bruce, stopped using free weights after injuring himself performing an exercise called “Good Mornings.”. He began using an isometric power rack as well as the Tensolator or Bullworker along with free hand isometrics and bodyweight exercises to help keep him in his.

LOOK AT IT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! All steel and plastic with thick slots for your fingers and a nifty carrying case (you can always tell high level, cool, designer exercise equipment by the single-purpose carrying case—that, alone, proves Bullworker is pure isometric status!).


Not only does Bullworker send you a carrying case covered piece of apparatus art, they also send along a spiral-bound, glossy paged, workout book that has dozens of exercises beautifully illustrated to show you how to really put that spring-loaded tube through its paces.

Talk about class!

Ironically, with the best equipment in the business, the Bullworker people don’t have the conviction of their product.

They do offer a training program that uses seven second isometric contractions. But, their books and poster strongly suggest that you include repeat motion repetitions with the isometric contractions and some of their programs really solely on multiple repetitions rather than isometric contractions.

This is unfortunate because if there was ever a near perfect piece of isometric equipment, the Bullworker is it.

Free Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart

The Bullworker allows for a wide range of motions. It also puts stress on muscles as you press or pull it. So, it allows you to ease into your isometric contractions (helpful both for concentration and for avoiding sudden stress by a too enthusiastic jump to full contraction).

Once you’ve achieved optimal contraction, watch a large stopwatch for seven seconds and you’ve completed your isometric exercise (personally, I prefer three sets of single isometric contractions for each exercise).

Exercise Chart For Burning Calories

Using the Bullworker for rep-based exercises rather than isometric contractions raises risks to your joints (as does any repetition based exercise). Especially as you age, the persistent use of high stress repetition based exercises can endanger joints, ligaments, and that old opposable thumb that is so important to your life.

Since they involve a single contraction, isometrics can (if done properly) pose less of a threat to joint overload. Just sayin’.

So, load up your Steel Bow in its nifty case, sling it onto your back, and show the world that you’re a space-age, power-packed, dynamo!